Fiona founded Storie in 2011. She worked in radio and television news beforehand, in France, UK and the USA and wanted a break from the news cycle. Around the same time a lovely shop came up for rent just below her Paris flat, that made her dream of a totally different life.
“Every object has a story. It seemed as if we should be talking a lot more about the stories behind the products we buy, and that we should be buying much more carefully. I felt that if we could make people really value a product, understand it’s story, how it is made, with what materials, by whom, and under what conditions, then they would treasure it - then they would talk about the object and share the knowledge of it’s heritage - then they wouldn’t be tempted to buy something a bit mediocre that they would fall out of love with and throw away. I love the idea of offering someone a wooden spoon, or a hand loomed throw that they are able to hand on to another generation.” Buy less and buy better. “I thought that if we did a good job selling a good thing that we could help change the way people buy : I think there is a lot of space out there for good businesses.”
Storie as a concept was a segue from one career to another, from being a journalist to a businessperson. “It felt like I could be useful, giving a vitrine to craft heritage, helping other small businesses, and crafts people around the world”.
Her family have always travelled, and as a child she grew up on 3 different continents, with roots across the globe. She is passionate about textiles, weaving of any kind, and is always searching for texture and colour.
For Fiona handmade, is increasingly important at a moment when so much is homogenised, “there is something deeply comforting when we sense a human touch in any object. “ In a world where we are becoming more and more aware of the importance of sustainability, handmade goods will become increasingly prized. Sustainability is key for the Storie selection.”
Fiona believes that culture and art are at the heart of our society, “especially when times are difficult. Being touched by the beauty of something, something created by another human being, reminds us of how ingenious and inspired we can be.”